Bowl carving with Dave Fisher
June 7th & 8th
OR June 10th &11th, 2019 $375
You'll begin with a log and Dave will lead you in visualizing, laying out, hollowing, hewing, and slicing your way to a graceful and functional bowl.
As the chips fly, Dave will focus on techniques and skills that are transferable to a variety of bowl designs.
All experience levels are welcome.

Tools & materials
Students should bring a hollowing adze*, carving hatchet, bent gouge, and sloyd knife*. Also, a large pencil compass or dividers similar to this 12" model. A serviceable compass can even be made with some strips of wood and a bolt for a pivot point. Other tools that may come in handy are a drawknife or pushknife, spokeshave, and a pencil* for writing on green wood. Other gouges, hooks, etc. are welcome too -- we'll figure it out!
General information on bowl carving tools and more is available at Dave's blog (there is a topic list and a search feature), and website.
Materials are included.
*Plymouth CRAFT will have Morakniv 106 sloyd knives, Musgrove pencils and a small stock of Jason Lonon bowl adzes for sale. More info about those last upon registration. Dave's blog about Jason's work.
Satisfying and delicious lunches are included with registration.
Optional onsite lodging. Also, a nearby camping option. Details sent to registrants.
Each session limited to 12 participants.
Both sessions 9-4 at Overbrook House, 5 Old Head of the Bay Road, Buzzards Bay MA.
Plymouth CRAFT Green Woodworking Scholarship spots available. Apply NOW through February 6th!
In between the two sessions, come to Plymouth CRAFT's first SPOON DAY, June 9th.