Bowl-turning with Darrick Sanderson
October 5th & 6th, 2019 $425
In this class, students will learn all the steps involved in turning bowls with a pole-lathe*: splitting the blanks from logs, hewing them to rough shape, then mounting them on the lathe for turning. Darrick will guide the students through the nuances of using the hook tools; how to feel the right angle for proper cutting, working the shapes of the bowl and more.
Forged hook tools will be provided. Students should bring a hatchet for hewing bowl blanks; optional tools to bring include splitting tools like a froe, wedges, maul, a compass for scribing circles, mallets.
Eight participants; suitable for any skill level. Scholarship available to suitable applicant; applications due by September 10th.
Satisfying and delicious lunches are included with registration.
Optional onsite lodging with breakfasts.
Session limited to 8 participants.
Plymouth CRAFT Green Woodworking Scholarship spots available. Apply NOW through September 10th.

*technically a bungee-lathe this time around; we're adapting our lathes to be more portable, viz: