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Plymouth CRAFT is emerging from COVID times...
A global pandemic has not been conducive to hands-on, small-class craft instruction with an international cast of instructors; we are gradually  rescheduling our canceled events as we can find ways to. Through the many months waiting out contagion, it has been wonderful for us to hear from both CRAFT veterans and those who can't wait to participate in our courses. Your enthusiasm has reminded us why we did this stuff to start with. Hope to see you all soon!

                                        —Your CRAFT Board of Directors

About Us

Our real name:

Plymouth Center for Restoration Arts and Forgotten Trades

What we make happen:

Courses taught by extraordinary artisan/instructors, set in inspiring southeastern Massachusetts locations.


Who we serve:

People passionate about improving their handskills and deepening their understanding of traditional craft.

Our Board

Plymouth CRAFT's 2019-20 Board of Directors:

David Berman, Ben Brewster, Caroline Chapin, Elizabeth Creeden, Donna Curtin, Peter Follansbee, Patrick Kirby, Denise Leblanc, Paula Marcoux, Anne Phelan, Dorothy Price, and Charlotte Russell

Plymouth CRAFT is a 501(3)c tax-exempt charitable educational organization, registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As such we depend on a talented and dedicated Board of Directors. Collectively, our Board has deep roots in the Plymouth region, an abiding dedication to historic preservation, and a commitment to the promulgation of the hands-on CRAFT educational philosophy.

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